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NAISED KÖÖGIS (ENG) – The Women in the Kitchen – came together in Viljandi in Southern Estonia, where they all lived in the beginning of the 2010s. They often gathered in each others kitchens during the long and cold winter evenings to let the kids play and cook for them. As they all share a great love for folkmusic and –songs, it didn’t take long until they picked up their karmoshkas and violins and started to share tunes and songs with each other. Their kick-off-concert as Naised Köögis took surprisingly place in St Petersburg in spring 2013.
After this trip, their gatherings around kitchen tables went from playing tunes and songs they already knew, to talking about Very Important Things in Life and summarizing their thoughts in new songs and melodies. Characterizing for Naised Köögis’s songtexts is a delicate touch of humor, uncompromising sense of absurdity and a traditional honest feeling for life. Most songs are created jointly and a song is never ready and finalized before all four singers feel that they have catched some kind of truth with it. In Naised Köögis’s songs, truth appears in many different ways. It can be everything from painful, funny, flattering, terrifying, grateful to extremely embarrassing.
Naised Köögis’s repertoire consists of both old and new songs and melodies. The quartet gives folksongs contemporary texts and menings, creates new dance melodies and is never afraid of letting their curiosity bring them inspiration from other music traditions such as tounge wrenching rap or emotional tangos. If needed, they also learn to play for them new instruments, such as the bass guitar or drums. Still most of their music is based on a utmost alive Estonian music tradition and invites the audience to spin off in a walz, reinländer or polka.
Naised Köögis has released two CDs, See pole ainult sääskede ja siilide öö (2015) and See tantsusaal on nugadega kaetud (2017). For their first CD, Naised Köögis received a Kuldne Plaat (Golden Disc) as Newcomer of the Year in 2015 and in 2016 they received the honourable folkmusic prize Ethno Kulp (Ethno Ladle) both for Best Song of the Year (Naised, naised) and Best New-Folk-Artist. From the very beginning, the quartet has had a warm relation with its audience of all ages all over Estonia and many of the ensemble’s videos have gone viral on internet.
Katrin Laidre: vocal, karmoshka, bass guitar, kannel
Kristiina Ehin: vocal, karmoshka
Sofia Joons: vocal, violin, guitar, drum
Kairi Leivo: vocal, bass guitar


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