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The Moose Brothers

The Moosical

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The Moose Brothers sätter upp sin show ”A Soul Rhythm’n Blues and Moose revue”.

Bröderna Moose är inte musikalartister. Namnet till trots, kommer det inte bli en musikal.

Om du gillar Blues Brothers filmerna och älskar Motown musiken Soul rhythm & Blues så är detta nåt för dig.

It is not a musical but A soul rhythm’n blues and Moose revue about Fake and Elkwood Moose, The Moose brothers, and their band on a mission from God! The Moosical is a two hour high energy show packed with epic soul rhythm & blues and blues tunes. On stage, along with the brothers, we will see the Moose brothers band, a band that can turn goat piss to gasoline and several other charismatic guests that has been part of the journey, Queen Moosette, Cab Thataway, The Moosettes, and more. If you love classical Soul, rhythm & blues and blues tunes played with energy and joy this is the show for you.

Any attendendies that dress up according to the occasion will be rewarded! Will there be have additional brothers in the audience? Maybe some representatives from the law enforcement community, the catholic church? Audience Singing, dancing, cheering and clapping will be allowed within some limitation!

This is an original Moose brothers production any resemblance, of characters from other movies, musical gatherings and stories, are unintended and purely coincidental, and will have no legal baring on this show.  The show will be performed in English.

Speltid 2h inkl paus.

Närmast på Scala

Frida Öhrn & The Blue Sounds

Ikväll 20:00
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