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Heaven up here

Live: JJULIUS, No Suits In Miami & Monty Chicago (US)
Lördag 29 april 20:30-01:00
Åldersgräns 18 år
Förköp 140 kr + service


JJULIUS is the name of the swirling, singular world built by Julius Pierstorff, somewhere deep in the cobwebs of Gothenburg, Sweden, where dub and kosmische and post-punk sounds all sit around and tell ghost stories to each other. Originally a fully DIY project on Mamma’s Mysteriska Jukebox, the label he runs with his partner Loopsel, his latest long player VOL. 2 was released worldwide in conjunction with New York’s seminal DFA Records. Now he emerges from the shadows to play some shows with his live band. It’ll be louder and looser, as it should be.

<< No Suits In Miami >>

No Suits In Miami spelar popmusik som ligger någonstans mellan jangle, shoegaze och twee. Låtarna handlar om de viktigaste oviktigaste tingen i ens huvud, som växthus, bussar och februari.
Förra året släppte de albumet “Nothing Ever Happens” med hjälp av Shelflife Records som tidigare släppt band som The Radio Dept och pinkshinyultrablast. Albumet och låtarna har beskrivits som ”… Field Mice och Brighter, med en gnutta pop-Cure som körsbäret på toppen”(482MHz),

”No Suits in Miami är ren pop-perfektion (Sydsvenskan)

“..den kristallklara indie-dängan The Robins Sang” (Gaffa).

<< Monty Chicago (US) >>

Monty Chicago, the project of Tampa, FL native Connor Murphy, tells evocative stories with the use of synthesizers and voice. His songs follow in the tradition of the place-specific and poignant narratives of Owen Ashworth (Casiotone For The Painfully Alone and Advance Base) while alluding to sounds such as the energetic DIY pop of artists Molly Nilsson and The Magnetic Fields.
His latest single, “Julia,” recounts the discovery of a new crush during a state of loneliness and self-preservation. The song was mixed by Tampa songwriter and producer Jordan Esker of Jordan Esker & The Hundred Percent. The end result is an introspective, operatic electronic sound that Jens Lekman calls “great stuff!!”
In the track, Murphy sings of the seemingly impossible connection, “So you think you love Julia? / Or do you just love / Dancing with her / More than her boyfriend does / How could he be so daft?”
Themes of heartbreak are also present in his single “Auburndale,” a song that equates a small town in central Florida with a romance that took place there. Murphy proclaims, “This is the last time / I’ll drive to Auburndale / There’ll be no more letters / No more kisses on the Highlands trail.”
Since writing the song, he has driven to Auburndale only once.
Since 2022, Murphy has performed regularly throughout the state of Florida. In the spring of 2023, he makes his international debut.

Arrangemanget genomförs med stöd av Stockholms stad, Svensk Live – Indigo och Kulturrådet och sker i samarbete med Studiefrämjandet.

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