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Clara Mann

Echo Three presenterar:
Clara Mann (UK) + support
Dörrar 19, live från ca 19.30

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Förköp: 125 SEK + service (begränsat antal 2-för-1)
I dörren: 150 SEK

Echo Three presenterar stolt London/Bristol baserade ”almost-folk”-artisten Clara Mann i Scalateaterns källare. Clara Mann har de två senaste åren släppt ifrån sig två EP:s som bägge visar upp en enorm potential, hennes personliga texter bäddas in i en len men samtidigt fängslande ljudbild. Mann öppnade nyligen för Skullcrusher på hennes Europaturné och tar ständigt steg som visar att hon har framtiden för sig, spelningen den 26 mars blir den första i Stockholm och är ett måste för alla som har intresse för den moderna singer-songwriter/folk-scenen.

Om Clara Mann
Clara Mann makes almost-folk to keep calm in a busy world. The 19-year old newcomer made her striking debut in 2022 with ‘Consolations’ (Sad Club Records) – an EP tipped on release for its wise-beyond-years approach, intimate production and distinctive, self-assured vocals. Preceded with tender first single ‘I Didn’t Know You Were Leaving Today’ and clear-cut follow-up track ‘Thoughtless’, the four-song collection observes her first meetings with adulthood; befriending vulnerability, protecting malleable boundaries, and the fragility of self that runs parallel with personal growth.

A keen painter, visual storytelling is embedded into Clara’s music, and during its incubation she found herself drawn further into the work of Edward Hopper; “maybe today I was the hunched figure from ‘Nighthawks’, tomorrow, the woman in the empty bedroom of ‘Morning Sun’. The pictures bled into the songs – the movie-still feeling, the muted colours.” In keeping with this romanticised nostalgia, Clara’s eyes serendipitously fell upon scores of Liszt’s ‘Consolations’ last summer, a piano series her mother used to play when she was young. Reminded of its comfort ringing throughout her childhood home in the south of France, it felt apt to mirror this and name the release by the notion with which Clara’s own writing provided her – to console.

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