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Bonander släpper sitt debutalbum ”Things We Don’t Talk About” och firar detta genom en audiovisuell livekonsert i Scala källare.
•Insläpp kl 21, konserten börjar strax därefter.
•För att säkra en av de platser som finns (ca 50st) skriv upp dig på listan här:
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•Inträde: Swish till musikerna
Elias Ortiz
Linnéa Svedmyr
Olle Lundberg
Ylva Ratjen
Fabian Rosenberg
Enigmatic and alluring, Bonander is set to release her visionary debut album, ’Things We Don’t Talk About’ through Icons Creating Evil Art on 20th August 2021. The full-length follows leading tracks ‘Backseat’, ‘Martha’ and ‘Gone In The Wind’.
Bonander is the shorthand for Ellinor Sterner Bonander. Sporting the role of musician, arranger and producer, the Swede is a woman unchained. Injecting darkness into the candied vein of pop, her upcoming LP demonstrates her sheer femme-power, unpicking existentialist tropes through a feminist lens.
’Things We Don’t Talk About’ is a monumental debut in summation; where cinematic strings meet playful synth melodies and dense bass lines caress vocals that catch on the wind.
In addition to the daydream, analogue warmth of forerunners ‘Backseat’ and ‘Martha’, Bonander’s penchant for darkness erupts in tracks such as ‘Silent Lights’ and ‘Ms. Mitchell’. The album is broken up by softer ditties such as ‘Statue’, ‘Slumber Love’ and ‘Ode’, which unlock her more vulnerable side.
Traversing her perspective of the world and relationships through music, ’Things We Don’t Talk About’, Bonander encourages the listener to join her discourse of uncomfortable topics. Meanwhile, the album brings noise to those who have fallen custom to silence such as her homage to the first female sniper in ‘Annie’ and all-consuming, explosive number ‘Ms. Mitchell’ for one of the first acknowledged astronomers Maria Mitchell. “All tracks touch the same topic: the complexity of the female identity, an identity we simplify, harass, abuse and forget in our everyday life,” she says.
‘Things We Don’t Talk About’ is released everywhere on August 20th, 2021 via Icons Creating Evil Art.

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